In 2020 we started to think about a complete new approach to touch people’s hearts, to present audiences with something that is truly fresh and different. For this we gave all our energy and creativity as young and ambitious artists.

Our dream is to bring our best performance to big audiences and fill their hearts with happiness. So, we came together and came up with this “Green Field” approach: just let the creativity flow neither hampered by conventional thinking nor driven by profit making. Our minds are free and we are not pressured by only thinking about success but fulfilling our dream. While Nina is in charge of the overarching program creation, in a joint effort all artists work on the performance. Some of our team work on marketing, finding locations and networking.

We worked hard and it was not an easy task to bring our vision to life, then Covid 19 made things even harder. Thanks to our agile group of motivated people, we always found ways to overcome obstacles and strive to perfect our program. Even if we have to cancel and reschedule, we always try to adapt to make up for lost opportunities.

For now, we are planning new performances for our next months. Have a look at our trailers and get in touch with us, if you want to host an event and want to support this project and us young artists.